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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Austin's Runway Collection

Some of you have been asking to see Austin's decoy runway collection and we managed to track down the pictures. A very reliable source confirmed for us a story we'd heard a couple times before: Austin did not know he would be showing at Fashion Week until several months after the final 3 had started their collections. Not only did he not have as much time to pull a collection together as the others, he didn't have as large a budget. We also heard he was none too happy about it.

Because of that and because you really can't judge a runway collection properly without actually seeing it walk down a runway, we don't really think it's fair for us to sit here and judge him with bitchy comments, so we're just going to offer the pictures without comment as a way to close out the season. To us, this isn't really Austin. This is just something he threw together to please the producers. We like some of it. The Revolutionary War-inspired stuff is a little gimmicky but it kindasorta works. We don't really like all the scalloped edges and that red gown is a travesty, but some of the pieces are quite nice and they all have hints of that patented Scarlett sense of drama.

And with that, our exhaustive coverage of Season 1 comes to an end. We're going to take a week off to get our Top Design blog up to speed and devote a little time to our poor little redheaded stepchild, Tom & Lorenzo. Be back here on Thursday, February 8th when the bitchery starts all over again as we rip into Season 2.

Loveya, kittens!

[Photos: FirstView/Getty Images]

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