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Monday, April 16, 2007

k.d. vosovich

First, a little personal story about this episode. The night it aired, Lorenzo stomped off and vowed never to watch the show again. We were BOTH pissed off at what seemed to us a blatantly unfair auf'ing. We harrumphed our way through the rest of the season, but when season 3 rolled around we were still pissed and only watched the first episode out of morbid curiosity, deciding before it started that the show was "so over." Well, thank god for Laura Bennett or we'd never have started blogging and the world would not have known the fabulosity that is us.


Poor Nick. He'd taken such a beating at this point; from the judges, from losing his model, and from (according to internet rumors) the show pulling the rug out from under him in the inspiration challenge and forcing him to scrap his original design, giving him only a couple of hours to make a new dress. We'd always thought that he'd just crumbled under a level of pressure that he couldn't handle but if that's true, then he was just a victim of reality show politics.

Which isn't to say this design was worthless. Remaking Danny V. into a Eurotrash/Thin White Duke character actually has a lot going for it as a concept. It's a look Danny can pull off easily.

Unfortunately, we're not so sure it's a look Nick can pull off easily. That's pretty far outside his comfort zone, aesthetically speaking. He'd have been better off designing him club clothes. Worst of all was the fabric choice. That dainty color and the weight of the fabric gave him that oh-so-NOT-what-they-going-for stylish lesbian look. A stylish lesbian with a bad tailor. That is one puckery bitch.

No closure on the jacket, no pockets and no belt. Damn, Nick. Just give him a purse and a tube of lipstick and send him on his way.

Still, as bad as this was, it still wasn't deserving of an auf'ing considering what it was up against - which we will get to later, so save your angry comments for that post, bitches.


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